Database backup / saving discussions selectivly
Here is another one of my insane ideas / suggestions.
I regard wep applications in same ways similar to desktop applications: data gets created, edited and saved somewhere.
So far most web apps allow you only to save your stuff in one big database dump. As a webmaster I find of annoying to handle big dumps which contain EVERYTHING. Sure you can selectivly save / edit myPHPadmin. But that isn't very comfy, is it?
Here are my suggestions:
I would be great to be able either to save everything in one database OR tell vanilla to use different databases (like for certain topics).
This would have several benefits:
easier selection: as a webmaster I can selectivly save threads and restore them. Of course you would need a function to switch all topics / posting offline for that board. But that would also be a nice way to organize big board with a lot old and unused stuff: lets say you organize your board/databases into years. So you can easily switch off very old content and save it.
load distribution: for very big boards it's handy to spread the work over several database servers.
Another way to approach the 'save' function is to have a plugin that can do the following things:
extract certain topics from the database, save them and delete them finally from the board.
of course you also need a selective restore function as well: restore saved threads/discussions again.
auto backup: some webmasters NEVER make any backups, when they get hacked usually all is lost. Would be nice to have either a backup reminder build in or an automatic backup (on FTP or send via eMail) in certain intervalls. I think such a function/plugin should be standard in any secure and well behaved web application.
Thanks for reading.