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account tab + handheld css

edited August 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
doesnt seem to exist?


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    lechlech Chicagoland
    I think it's disabled under handhelds as the screen space needed on a handheld is rather limited. I think the option for that button is set to display: none; to prevent access.
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    well thats not much use? i'd rather lose cat's?
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    I noticed that to. I access the site (and other vanilla installations) on my PalmOne T5, and when I force it to use the handheld stylesheet (it tries to use the normal one), I loose that tab. +1 from me, for ading the acounts tab, and loosing catagories. BTW:, you could always modify the handheld css file (as I have now done), to swap this.
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