2 Whisper bugs

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is it me, or .. ... if you whisper a comment to someone, then edit it, it stops being a whisper. eg my edit comment here: http://lussumo.com/community/comments.php?DiscussionID=608&page=1#Item_4 ... if you use the "whisper your comments to" box and type too fast, it doesn't work properly. eg, type 'mark' in quite fast and I get "m0nkeymagic"


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited August 2005
    What browser are you using. I type mark super fast and it works. I'm on firefox. oooo - and I see what you mean about it stopping being a whisper. That's a bug for sure. Bug list?
  • i get #2 as well. if i type "snow" too fast i get "shi10" every time. this is in both firefox 1.0.6 and IE 6 on XP. actually upon further testing it appears to happen if the username is typed into the whisper box moderately fast. typed slowly or superfast, it works properly. i'll try to find more cases.
  • yeah, if you type it fast enough, it totally misses the update. slow enough, and it populates correctly. somewhere in the middle, and all sorts of weird stuff starts happening.
  • Hmm i have no problems with typing fast...but i have problems on safari 2.0 (412) on OS X 10.4 where the list doesn't update. I type "mar" and sometimes the list comes up and sometimes it doesn't. sometimes it has 5 choices sometimes it has one.

    Dunno what's going on.
  • i get #2
  • i get #2. wish it was just a dropdown, personally. yeah, i know the list could get long.

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Can you imagine a dropdown list with 20,000 entries? That would be a tad silly. This is a custom module I wrote, and I absolutely hate javascript. If there is a better one out there, I'd happily use it. At the time I wrote it, there was nothing.
  • I'm on Firefox 1.06 for the record
  • my site will never have over 20 members, so not silly for my needs. better than battling an Ajaxed text box that just overwrites what I'm typing, making it maddening to do a whisper. would make sense for it to be an optional switch for the extension - Ajax or dropdown.

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited August 2005
    I still think that there is probably just a better ajax option out there.
  • I get #1 - has this been fixed in a later version? I tried searching the forums for this problem, which has become a big problem in my forum as people accidentally reveal their whispers upon editing them. I didn't find anything. Vanilla v., Safari v. 2.0.3, Mac OS 10.4.5, but it's not a browser-specific problem because my PC-using forum members experience the same phenomenon. Thanks!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It is fixed for 0.9.3, but 0.9.3 is not ready for release yet.
  • This is probably a dead thread, but in regard to number 2, why not make the listbox idea an administration option, like in phorum?
  • It is fixed for 0.9.3, but 0.9.3 is not ready for release yet.
    Thanks! I hate to complain since otherwise Vanilla has been awesome.
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