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What server capacity & bandwidth do i need?

edited April 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi All, I searched first and found no clues so: What server capacity & bandwidth do i need to install and run Vanilla? The forum will just be for dozen or more people to discuss and share family history research. I have webspace for my sites and some free space with a broadband supplier. Just wondering if I could realistically run it on one of those or does it chew up space and bandwidth? Really, it won't get huge traffic. Also, can people without logins be blocked from even reading the contents? Thanks! john


  • For that, nothing powerful at all. A shared or virtual hosting account is fine.

    The important bit is that you have PHP 4.1 or above, and that you have a MySql database to store the discussions.

    So you just need to double-checked those things.

    Bandwidth and such will be nominal for just a dozen people.
  • edited April 2007
    Space is really low. It depends a bit on how many and which extensions you want to install of course, I imagine that if you add the attachments extension (which I believe lets people upload files to your server), the need for storage space goes up, but otherwise you're looking at a megabyte or two.

    As for bandwidth it all depends on how many members you have and how much they will visit the site. My forum with roughly twenty active members takes a bit more than 50-100MB/day in bandwidth, perhaps less than 2GB in a month last I checked. vanillazilla stats for postings (the spike is because of an import of old data).

    But as I said, it's all about how much they visit your site.
  • as a general rule of thumb.
    Get the fastest puppy u can afford
  • regarding blocking guests from viewing the content altogether, from memory, can't you remove the appropriate permission ('view content'?) from the guest role?
  • theres a setting that says "Allow Guests to browse forum"
  • There is also an Extension that lets guests view discussion topics only, not the actual comments.

    Posted: Friday, 27 April 2007 at 10:19PM

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