the n00b thread

trusttrust New
edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
hello. My name is trust and I am a n00b.


  • n00b's are welcome here.
  • haha actually trust is my buddy and is pretty much a cool guy all around.
  • hey i want a cool picture of my head like you have jonezy.
  • trusttrust New
    edited August 2005
    i hear you have aids? is this true?
  • jonezyjonezy New
    edited August 2005
    omfg you are gay stop it.
  • whoaaaaa editing a whispered comment unwhispers it... bug
  • DeniedDenied New
    edited August 2005
    testeroonie... hmmm
  • ruh roh!
  • bugzored
  • posted to the bug list
  • Hello, My name is Czar and I am a n00b to Vanilla too. ;-)
  • Welcome to you also. <start_intro_speech> For safety purpsoses, please keep all hands and feet inside the carriage at all times, and don't lift the bar until the ride has come to a complete stop. Don't forget to smile for the camera! </start_intro_speech>
  • <interrupt> AND, don't feed the trust </interrupt>
  • Hey all, is this bug resolved? It's listed under resolved bugs and pointing to this thread: 2005-08-03 jonezy Thread editing a whispered comment causes it to become unwhispered 2005-08-27 Mark Forced recheck of valid whisper username. I'm running at and everyone is experiencing the same situation: Create a whisper? Check. Go back and edit a whisper? Results in the whisper being public. Here's some example threads: The forced recheck of the valid username doesn't seem to be working. Is there a place I can patch the code for that? -Andy
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It's not fixed in 092, but it is fixed in 093. We're really close to releasing 093, now...
This discussion has been closed.