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Phorum or Vanilla?

edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Phorum seems nice. Haven't had time to research it much, but it seems very flexible and easy to adapt to your own needs. What are your thoughts on Phorum compared to Vanilla? What are their strong and weak points compared to each other?


  • looking at their addon request page. they don't seem to have any WYSIWYG editors
  • Peeked at the code and it doesn't appear to be OO or MVC like Vanilla, which is important for maintaining, updating and extending the code.

    Haven't quite figured out how their add-ons work either.
  • What does "OO" and "MVC" mean?
  • OO is short for "Object Oriented", it basically means that code is grouped into objects that specialize on different tasks. Some examples of Vanilla objects that you see are the page list, the menu (tabs), panel, and the comment. Some examples that you don't see are the Context object, Object Factory and Sql Builder. MVC is for "Model-View-Controller" and that means the objects' are further specialized into tasks that interface with the database (the data "model"), interface with the user (the "view" of the data), and glue those two together ("control" and format the passage of data between the database and the user.) The end result is the same (a forum) but one is more organized under the skin and that makes it easier to program with.
  • edited May 2007
    Very, very simply:
    OO = Object oriented. In short it means you have separate bits of code that deal with logical units. And bits that can inherit functionality from other bits. MVC is short for Model-View-Controller, which is a design pattern where you separate the parts of an application into three parts, the model (data), the view (the interface) and the controller (the stuff between the two).

    Edit: Gnah, too late.
  • edited May 2007
    i had no idea Vanilla was MVC, and I have been making extensions for it.
    I guess u don't have to understand everything to work with VAnilla.

    All i know about MVC is that its used by Rudy on Rails and hence its fancy. Fancy is always good :)
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