Change "started by"?

Is there a way to change the author of a discussion thread?


  • edited May 2007
    there was a discussion about this a while back, but i can't find it atm. afaik there's no way to do it within vanilla, and i doubt there ever will be, as that's seen as a pretty big no-no to a lot of people. you could do it directly in the DB though.
  • Out of curiosity, in what situations would this be useful?
  • To make other people say things they obviously didn't probably :)
  • edited May 2007
    Thanks, Gauzy, I remembered a discussion, too. But searching for obvious thing didn't turn up anything. I guess I can hack the database, but was hoping for an easier way.

    The reason I'd like to change the author is because I have an integrated WordPress/Vanilla site. I use Janine to automatically create discussion threads on each new blog post. For some reason, Janine uses MY name (the admin) as the author of all the blog discussions--even though I'm not the author of most of the blog articles. I want the blog author to appear as the thread starter--and now I have a bunch of discussions that I'd like to correct. (I'm also hoping squirrel can change the author name within Janine, but haven't seen him/her online lately.)

    Another reason it would be helpful is if a post needed to be moved, the admin could just repost the thread in the appropriate place under the correct person's name.

    As it exists, admins can already "make other people say things they obviously didn't" by editing their posts. But I try to avoid that. :)
  • The users on my forum would like the discussion posts to state only the "started by" field, not changing to "Most recent by" once people have responded. Does anyone know where I should be looking in the files to make this happen? I've been sifting through the server and can't find where this is coded.
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