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Ezboard to Vanilla

HortonHorton New
edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hey guys, New to Vanilla and not a PHP programmer or data base guy. Found Vanilla as an option at GoDaddy. Working to move my community from &%$# ezboard to Vanilla. My Ezboard forum has a lot of good content that I hate to lose. I have read somewhere that there is an import from Ezboard to PHPbb and that once that is done the content can be imported to Vanilla. Is this all a fantasy? Do I need to be pretty savvy to make this work? Can I bribe someone with a 12 pack of imported beer for help? Ideas? Horton


  • I'm currently working on a vBulletin to Vanilla importer, and am trying to make it generic enough to plug into any database--assuming you write the queries. Isin't ezboard a free/hosted board? Do you even have access to the raw data? If not that would require writing a spider to rip all the threads first--not a very easy task.
  • Yea, I do not have access to the ezboard database itself. It is not really a free board, I pay $85 per year for a board without their ads. Besides the money they manage to screw up the data once a year and lose all kinds of stuff. Franky, I was surprised when I red the someone was importing to PHPbb.
  • Hmm, not having access to the boards database will certainly make things difficult unless it has the ability to spit out detailed rss/atom feeds to which you can build a database from. Kind of how WordPress does things but a little more difficult considering that it's not going to give you every detail necessary which would include user accounts and permissions :\
  • sounds like a lost cause. Thanks anyway
  • I have never used this (as I haven't used ezboard for about 6 years now) but this should convert ezboard to phpbb:
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