Problem with Vanilla installation permissions
I am trying to install Vanilla and have allowed read and write accesses to the files the way it requires, but when I advance to the next step, I always get this screen:

What to do? I searched this forum numerous times, but none of the permissions issues seemed to touch mine. If anyone could help me, I'd be very grateful.

What to do? I searched this forum numerous times, but none of the permissions issues seemed to touch mine. If anyone could help me, I'd be very grateful.
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It's possible that your host has limited the permissions for PHP to create files otherwise if you refreshed the directory even with a partial install they would have been made but left empty forcing you to delete them in order to start again. I would recommend contacting your host to see if they limited the scope of whether or not PHP is allowed to generate its own files or not and what a possible resolution could be if they don't allow for it.
Those are the only things that currently come to mind until someone else comes up with a better solution.
I think a checklist item for the next installer should have an advanced page for manual setups in cases like this. That way the user can simple create local copies of the necessary settings and most likely still be able to create the database. Then it's just a matter of uploading the configurations to the /conf/ directory.
It's not really Vanillas fault or the hosts really, but because of some nerfed setups PHP isn't allowed file creation privileges and I've seen one too many of these threads already