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What is this?

Hi. What is this? if (banner_8 && banner_8.match && parseInt) { var results = banner_8.match(/width(=["']?|:\s*)([0-9]+)/i); if (results.length == 3) { var width = parseInt(results[2]); if (width > 10 && width '+ 'Detta är en annons:'+ ''); phpads_deliver(banner_8); document.write(''+ ''); banner_8 = ''; // empty it, so it's not printed again as a floater } } } It appeared in a post (in the bottom of the first), and we can't get rid of the text.


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    If it's not part of the post itself, I'm guessing it's some sort of ad extension gone wrong. Do a search in your vanilla directories for phpads_deliver and you should get some result to see where it comes from.

    Are you sure it's not something added with the Nuggets extension?
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    edited May 2007
    Nuggets extension cannot add that.
    If u add an In comment nugget it automatically creates a new grid. the php_ads thing isn't in a new grid of it own. its part of the comment.
    plus its not repeating, its just on one comment
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    Ah, sorry, I thought the Nuggets did that. Nevermind my comments about Nuggets then. :)
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    edited May 2007
    Its a javascript ad code block from, that was apparently copied to the clipboard along with the game review text.

    Vanilla's HTML formatter stripped the <script> tags around it, thus you see the code.

    I suspect that one of Vanilla's "FormatPropertiesForDisplay" functions could be stripping the script entirely from appearing in the edit window, although I can't reproduce conditions for that. If that's the case, you will have to dive into the database to edit the code out.

    alert('We\'ll just test the hypothesis here.')
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    edited May 2007
    Thank you. I found it in the database, and the script is now deleted. :)
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    I really like the fade-out and high-resolution background images on
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