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MySQL Server

edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello. I just started to help out with my Computerized lights guys and we decided to update the forums. I have decided to try and set up a good looking forum. I just need help finding an MySQL server that people can help me set this up with. I have a very small budget so paying for a MySQL server is out of the question. I have tried with, but i can't get it to work. Any help would be nice.


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    What are you using to host your website etc?
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    The server I am using is unlimited space, unlimited transfer, file size limit that doesn't really work. good deal for free. It supports php(the reason why i got it) but the free version doesn't come with MySQL. I have an account with but don't know where to put my information. Every time i run the install script, it turns up a blank page. i have everything chmod'ed to 777(and i mean everything). but still, nattda.
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    What do you mean by information? You should be given a server URL, username, and password, when you sign up with freemysql (I assume) You should also have either been given the name of a database which is yours or be given some option to set one up. That should be all the information you need...and all of it can be inserted into the install script.
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    where do i insert the information then? i have tried to enter it into the install script but it didn't work.
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    What do you mean by 'didnt work'? Did it give an error? Blank screen?..
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