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Auth-Integration for minishowcase

edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Yesterday I integrated the Vanilla-Authentication in the realy cute minishowcase-Galleryscript... :)
It was easy and functionaly... - Thanx to the vanilla-developers!

So go on:
- Copy the gallery as a subfolder into the vanilla folder.
- Make the minishowcase-settings...
- Paste the following code at the beginning before the opening php-tag
<?php</pre> of the index.php in the minishowcase folder:

<?php /* * Vanilla-Integration */ include("../appg/settings.php"); include("../appg/init_people.php"); if ($Context->Session->UserID > 0) { ?>

- Paste the following code at the end after the closing html-tag < / html> of the index.php in the minishowcase folder:

<?php } else { header("Location:"); } ?>
- U are done! :)

I only wanna know, how I can use the vanilla-header and -footer with the minishowcase-gellery... - Someone here that has an idea!? :)



  • Options
    I downloaded minishowcase and installed it. It is an easy to use tool (with a lot of built-in flexibility) and is well-designed for displaying your photos. The structure and design are quite similar to Vanilla. Here is a link to some new photos I took.
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