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Storing extra information in db & vanilla's cookie

edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi guys,

I'm looking at integrating Vanilla's login system with various pre-vanilla features on my site with a mind to making it into single sign on without having to change too much else. To do this, all I really need to do is to store a text string in the vanilla DB and then have it pushed out to the cookie (or perhaps stored in the session, thinking about it) - that text string contains comma separated keywords that describe a user's access.

Any ideas or advice about how I'd go about setting such a thing up?


  • Options
    You ever considered what would happen if the user changed their cookie to add more access? I assume you have some other method of validation?
  • Options
    It's a pretty low security requirement - more preferences that access.

    It's an old system that one day I'll replace, but linking it in with the forum is the next step in the advancement of the site... Anything more will only eventually happen when I have a lot of time on my hands.
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