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Request: Direct download links for the Add-ons

ithcyithcy New
edited September 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
mark, i know this interferes with your stats, but i'd really like to be able to wget extensions. perhaps after the redirect link has been clicked and the download therefore counted, the "click here to download now" link could point to the file directly instead of back to the php script?


  • also, HI EVERYBODY
  • Hi! (this feels like a reunion!)
  • Welcome back, sir!
  • hay guise!
  • another reason for this request: i'd like to develop an auto-addon-downloader addon.
  • I am very new to vanilla and have a question about installing add-ons....I'm not a programmer and have the guidelines but it's all greek to me.....can anyone help me out? Thanks!
  • whats the problem? already got the addon you want?
  • I downloaded several and unzipped them......I was going to upload them to my FTP software and the download them to my that all I have to do? I don't think all of them have the readme files with them or the other 2 that are mentioned
  • "I was going to upload them to my FTP software and the download them to my server" - your FTP software should 'upload' them to your server - FTP Software is an application so it just transmits data for you from your client to the server. You upload them in exactly the same way you must have uploaded the forum software to begin with - just drop the extension folders into the extension folder and they should appear in the Extensions section of the Settings pages.
  • thank you minisweeper....I'm very new to this and am making more difficult than it needs to be
  • try uploading one extension/addon that has a readme.txt then go to settings -> extensions and enable it
This discussion has been closed.