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Allowing Users to delete discussions/comments????

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I recently set up Vanilla and have found if I allow appoved users to delete or edit discussions &/or comments, they can do so both to their own messages, and messages posted by others. How can I allow them to do this to only their own messages? I'm allowing the deletion priviledge under SETTINGS >> ROLES & PERMISSIONS check boxes for the various user roles. Also, I notice a "format comments as text/html" selection on the bottom of the comment box for this forum. My installation does not have this, and I can't figure out how to set it up. Can someone point me in the right dirrection? Thanks in advance! Steve


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    Your first request isnt possible as far as I'm aware. There may be an extension which does it but I cant think of one...have a quick search. Your second request simply involves installing additional formatters on your forum. If you install the HTML formatter that option will come up.
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    There is an extension, Comment Removal, that allows users to delete their own comments and discussions as long as there are no replies to them.
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    Ahh, I didnt realise that let the authors do it too. Interesting.
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    Yeah. You should know that it does delete things from the database, not like Vanilla's built-in deletion works.

    Oh, and just one question mark is enough, generally.
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    Thanks for the feedback. I tried the "HTML Formatter" and it seems to do the job. But, as they say, you solve one problem, and another pops up: I have a few user roles that I do not want to give permission to upload HTML messages. Under their roles/permissions setting, "HTML and images" is not checked. But with the HTML Formatter extension loaded, everyone sees the "format comments as text/html" option. If a user that does not have HTML permission tries to upload html, that's what the comment ends up as... text with all the tags. Is there a way to remove the "format comments as text/html" for the user w/o the appropriate permission? Maybe this goes to a deeper issue w/ Vanilla. The Roles and Permissions settings imply the use of HTML, individual deletion/removal of discussions and comments. But extensions must be used. How does one know if the Roles & Permissions settings will work with the extension(s), and more importantly, which has priority? I'll try the "Comment Removal" extension tomorrow. Appreciate your help! Steve
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    I guess that HTML allowed permission is a way you can disable any HTML a user posted in the past with one swoop if they abused it. It shouldn't be too hard to remove the option in the extension if PERMISSION_HTML_ALLOWED isin't set--I think it could be done by adding two lines of code...
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    edited November 2007
    User-level delete-comment workaround: turn it into a whisper to yourself. (May be obvious here, came as a revelation to my forum: so something people are unlikely to think of on their own, worth pointing out.)
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    Nice suggestion but I turned whispers off!

    Posted: Saturday, 10 November 2007 at 11:31AM

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