Feed Publisher, handles all your feeds

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I remixed RSS2 feed, ATOM feed and CrudeRSS in this new extension.

Feedback is very welcome in this discussion, but please try to register on Assembla too!!!

Visit the Trac project and please try to reach the Assembla project.


  • I'm wondering if this extension is still active? I did a quick search on the forums but only came up with a thread about porting this to blogs or some such thing. I just had a few suggestions for the module itself along with a little bug that I fixed - I'm wondering if this is the appropriate place to state these. I don't want to seem foolish or anything, though, so if this project is no longer active or there is one that has taken over this role (RSS), please let me know.
  • Yes it is still active. I still have a bug to fix with titles and &, but I consider it active. Happy to find some help! Gonna whisper you my email.
  • edited February 2008
    In my case the rss2/atom links are linking the wrong url. The forum is placed in a subfolder e.g. "forum/" but rss2/atom are linking to "search.php?..." not to "forum/search.php...". Thats because there is "/spearch.php..." (which should be "search.php...") in categories_config.php. categories_config.php also ignores the feed-type configuration which can be done in config.php so one has to remove e.g. atom links manually.
  • In fact categories_config.php must be fully tweaked.
    You're right, /search.php?... can/must be search.php?... or even /forum/search.php?....
    You're right too about categories_config.php ignoring the feed-type configuration in config.php.
    Thanks for the feedback, I'll update the instructions for the next release.
    Sorry but at the first release of this extension, I created this discussion that is now useless. Please post in this one now.
    Thanks again!
This discussion has been closed.