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Export from phpbb, Import to Vanilla

edited 2008 07 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Greetings! I'm a CSS-only guy stepping into the world of php and MySQL for the very first time. I've taken charge of redesigning a forum that has previously existed in phpbb. Once I have everything looking right, I need the final step: taking all those old threads and importing them into my Vanilla forum. Bearing in mind that I have no pool of database skills at all, what would be the easiest way to do this? Thanks for any help you can give. I'll love you all.


  • Hi all (esp. Mini), I'm unsure of how to approach *using* the migration files you've posted. For someone who doesn't really understand much of the process, is there a simple step-by-step for doing the migration? I really need your help. Many thanks!
  • Open up the 'mysqldetails.php' file, and enter your username and password for the database server in as appropriate, upload all files to your web server, browse to the index.php in your browser, and click through each of the 4 links to migrate the associated data, delete the migration files.
  • I've got that much, but the result is: 1046: No Database Selected Query: SELECT topic_id,forum_id,topic_title,topic_poster,topic_time,topic_replies,topic_first_post_id,topic_last_post_id, topic_status, topic_type FROM phpbb_topics ORDER BY topic_id ASC LIMIT 0,10000 Where in mysqldetails do I point to the .sql of my old phpbb export?
  • Hey Mini, I really appreciate your help. So as not to frustrate you, let me clarify my aim: I have a fresh install of Vanilla up on my server. I have an sql export of a friend's old phpBB forum. Where should I upload the phpBB sql file -- and where in the migrator's 'mysqldetails.php' should I point to it -- so that my new Vanilla receives the stuff?
  • You need to import the phpbb export into the same database your vanilla forum has been installed into, and enter the name of that database into the mysqldetails.php file near your username and password.
  • Should I ignore the hostname 'localhost' stuff?
  • Trying it now. If my export file is "powerwor_powerwordfunk2.sql", I assume I'll change the word "vanilla" in mysqldetails.php to be "powerwor_powerwordfunk2" ... yes?
  • Do you mean inside the mysql_select_db brackets? That needs to be set to whatever the name of your database is - the one that contains both the imported phpbb information and the vanilla tables.
  • Ah, I think part of my problem is that the phpBB file I'm trying to import is 12 MB, whereas my server's sql limit is 8 MB per file. This is sticky business!
  • Cut it in half.
  • Surely there must be some caution involved. What if I cut something out that prohibits the import entirely? I guess I can try to find the users to cut out (screw those guys anyways)
  • You can import one half of the phpBB file and then follow it with the other half. It should have the same result as importing it in one shot.
  • heyho,
    after i found nothing on the web i did this import-script under perl by myself,... it does a complete import from phpbb2 1.9 Forum into Vanilla 1.1.4., including signatures, smilies, user-Regdates, Number of Comments and all that stuff.
    you may download it here:
    Import from phpbb2 1.9 Forum into Vanilla 1.1.4.
    This is the Community i was using it for:
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