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edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Anyone care to tackle this as an extension? Just something simple where you can add a dynamic poll to a post.... and be able to add/edit a dynamic number of poll entries. It should be tied tinto security properly like posts. I wish I knew more PHP (I'm a ColdFusion and C++ kinda guy) as I've done this sort of functionality before. I can certainly assist someone in how to handle it in the database....


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited August 2005
    I have no interest or time in doing this extension, sorry :/

    But you're a ColdFusion and C++ kinda guy?

    What an odd mixture!
  • ã?†ã?©ã‚“ - Have a go yourself, ah go on. Its something that not a great number of people want so you might wait a while before someone else comes along and has a poke at it.
  • I'm all for a poll extention... Maybe if I find some free time I could write one. Doesn't look very likely right now. I could use it for my forum which is for our LUG. It would be nice to use that as a way to have member vote on stuff.
  • Polls can be useful. I am looking for a Yahoo group replacement right now and Vanilla looks very interesting... I for one would love a poll extension.
  • I for one would love a poll extension.

    i get about 400 spam emails about that everyday. i'm sure one of them has what you're looking for. ;)
  • one of the reasons we might not move our forum over to vanilla is the lack of a poll. they are important to us as we are using it right now to decide what we should use to host our forums on and other group decisions. So please, someone make a poll extension
  • haha. Start a poll to decide whether to move to vanilla!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    What kind of a poll are you looking for? One that sits in the control panel, or a thread that is actually a poll?
  • both would be good, admin-started poll for the whole community and individual polls within categories, like favourite film or something.
  • moemoe
    edited August 2005
    just a pointer for anyone who's interested in online polls.
    mod_survey (very very unfornationally only for apache 2) seems to be the most advanced html-poll-toolbox around.
    if anyone happens to know a better (or equal) tool please let me know.
    i love the design (simple xml to describe your poll, mod_survey takes care of the rest) but the apache requirement has been a showstopper for me so far.

    anyways, check out the demos.
  • certainly the lack of a poll function in vanilla is a major sticking point for me in making the switch from phpbb. i really hope someone can develop an extension.
  • I have two suggestions on how the poll should work. First is that the poll would be on the sidepanel (I'd love to have some more functionality on it) and it could be seen on every page of the thread. The second suggestion is to add the answer on the right side from the icon and post time, so it would be like "icon 1hour ago answered: not so often" so people would see what the guy answered.
  • I have never found polls to be too usefull. No board I've ever used has used them much, and if they did, most people never voted... they just tossed out their opinion in the thread, so you had to read it all anyways.
  • Well, the poll functionality usually comes handy on a community that isn't there just for the community, but the community is created by something larger, as an example, I have used tons of polls in many MMORPG boards on voting for events, changing functionality and so on. It wouldn't work on a board that is there just to create a community.
  • i think extensions like this (not necessarily a new feature but one that is common among other forums) are important for vanilla in the overall scheme of things. fair enough a lot of people will like vanilla because it's slim, lean and unbloated. But for a lot of people, to convince their community to switch their current forum over to vanilla, they will want to retain as much functionality as they've been used to... so whether you like polls or not, it would definitely be beneficial for vanilla to have an extension to enable them.
  • I agree with timberford, as we have seen from the top most popular forum softwares, the plethora of funtionality means alot to some communities and their leaders.
  • Then why not use the other software? It is a serious question. If you want ALL the functionality of other forum software, then I suggest you use it. I don't mean to be rude, and I hope you don't feel that I am. I am just trying to see the bigger picture here. Vanilla is different, so we should keep it that way.
  • I like Vanillas *lack* of features myself. What's there works pretty damn well. This is where extensions come into their own though. Phpbb does too much in my opinion.
  • exactly.
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