Add-ons name and shame



  • – Contains "__MACOSX" folder – Contains "__MACOSX" folder – Contains "__MACOSX" folder and .DS_Store file – Contains "__MACOSX" folder and .DS_Store file – Contains "__MACOSX" folder and multiple .DS_Store files – Contains .svn folders – doesn't wrap the files in a single folder – doesn't wrap the files in a single folder and appears to just be a GIF...
  • No shame in using Mac OS X mate, name and congratulate I say! :-)

    ...hmmm, Note to self: must check out my uploaded packages...
  • SHAME on me, I'll remove them in the next FP release, that should come soon...
  • svn export is a handy command. :)
  • 1. I think there might be an example/dummy add-on, so everybody can download it and use it as a starting point

    should maybe contain:
    default.php readme.txt conf/database.php conf/definitions.php conf/settings.php library/ (Classes and libraries) translations/ (here should be put LANGUAGE.php files)
    All the files will contain only includes of the files (including ./conf/definitions.php, ... in default.php) and commented text guiding a developer where it is ok, to put the code and what kind of code.

    I can create such dummy add-on also for language add-ons. Depends if we can all agree on some skeleton.

    btw, I actually made an extension ExtensionLanguageLoader which tries to read language translations from (not mentioning some others places not important to explain here):
    languages/LANGUAGE/extensions/*.php and also
    I would like it to be the standard of placing extension translations since there is none really working system for this yet (using conf/language.php is useless because it doesn't allow use multiple languages - for example with LanguageSelector).

    2. There is a lot of add-ons using old way of defining language dictionary definitions:$Context->Dictionary["word"] = 'definition';
    should be:$Context->SetDefinition('word', 'definition');
    This make extension translations to be always overdefined by default language definitions.
    I made a bash script and made it an extension FixLanguageDefinitions which goes through all installed default.php files and it fixes these definitions, but it would be really much better if extension developers would fix these definitions themselves so this script would not be needed at all.
    I can make a list of such addons if requested :)

    @ithcy: any progress with the extension allowing to download? I would like to use that! :-) If there is a problem with wrongly released add-ons, you can just not allow to install the add-on, but I would really like to use it :)
  • Hi Klip, could you please detail the purpose of conf/definitions.php and conf/database.php ?
  • conf/definitions.php containing language definitions:
    <? // use this file for dictionary default definitions $Context->SetDefinition( 'term', 'definition' ); ?>

    conf/database.php containing extension database tables settings:
    <? // use this file to define your database tables $Context->DatabaseTables['MyExtensionTable'] = 'MyExtensionTable'; $Context->DatabaseColumns['MyExtensionTable']['MyID'] = 'MyID'; $Context->DatabaseColumns['MyExtensionTable']['Caption'] = 'Caption'; ?>
  • I cannot move the categories up and down when i have 'notify' installed
  • Please post in the Notify addon discussion or start a new one.
  • edited December 2007
    read the 1st post in this thread it says to post addons with problems in here
  • I think this refers to the actual packaged add-on for distribution, not problems with the add-on itself.

    Perhaps a closer perusal of the "1st post in this thread" would yield more enightenment for your good self :-)
  • oh ok... my bad thanks for letting me know wanderer
  • Quotations Version in default.php says it's 1.6. Lussumo and update script says 1.6 is available.
  • Role List Fix 1.1 has a bunch of extraneous folders in the zip... and 1.0 didn't have em :)
  • that was just mentioned on the thread for that addon, and he fixed it, and fixed his build script too. that addon is like 3 days old!
  • Yeah, there are actually two versions of 1.1. The first one had the whole wgetted directory structure in from my server. I fixed my extension-building script and uploaded a new version 1.1. I didn't think it was worth changing the version number since very few people had downloaded the old one.
  • edited March 2008
    RSS feed for page This would help members keep up to date with new addons and developments without having to regularly visit the page. Not sure this is exactly the right place for this comment but I've searched to see if it has been suggested before and I don't think it has.
  • Well there's quite an easy way to get a feed of the latest addons. Run a search for Lussumo Bot's posts...

    ...and here is the RSS feed.
  • Thanks didn't find these posts. Pointing this out to regular addons page visitors via a feed icon and URL to subscribe to would help.
  • I'm not sure there's a post about this somewhere. Vanilla Search + Feeds are a very useful combination, you can do that for virtually any content in the forum. You can track any user's posts, all you need to do is typing his name followed by ":"

    Let's say you want to create a feed to follow Mark's interventions. You just have to type Mark: then run a search, then grab the link from the feeds menu in the left panel. And you'll get something like this:
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