Bookmarks/Your discussions not showing in CP by default in

edited November 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
just did a fresh install on another site, posted 2 test topics and bookmarked one of them.

in the Control Panel on the left, it's not showing the actual topic discussions under Bookmarks and Your Discussions. Instead it's just showing links to "Your discussions" and "Your bookmarks" under Discussion Filters.

how can i get that functionality back?


  • lamentlament
    edited August 2005
    also, Mark, long topics break the style with shorter browser windows.

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited August 2005
    re: panel - go to your account and use the forum preferences form. re: css - Yeah - can someone fix that? *hates css*
  • edited August 2005
    mark - I had the same problem with my own stylesheet, fixed it now. I posted the relevant bits of CSS in another topic somewhere, let me go look for it. edit: here -
  • Smaller font size!!
  • @mark: doh didn't even think that.. thanks. /me dons the n00b hat.
  • I think ... Display your browsing history in the control panel Display your private discussions in the control panel Should be on by default.
  • hmm.. i think Your discussions and Your bookmarks should be on by default.. :)
  • vote for everything control panel should be on by default
  • Yeah, I'd say discussion filters should be there just for the sake of hunting them down, options in the CP simply extend it without confusing the person. Caught myself asking the same silly question of "where the hell did that option just go?!".
  • edited November 2005
    so how can I turn the 'Display your bookmarks in the control panel' on by default for all users?
  • I'd like to know this too...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The plan was originally that I was going to make it a configuration setting in the next revision. But now I've gone ahead and taken these functions out of the application and moved them into extensions. So, it will take editing of your extensions after the next release.

    In the meantime, you'd have to hunt it down in the code, which is no small task. Normally I open up the project in komodo and do a "find in files" on the setting name, which in this case is: ShowBookmarks.

    What you're looking for are statements like this one on line 146 of library/Vanilla.Functions.php:

    if ($Context->Session->User->Setting("ShowBookmarks")) {

    If you take a look at the "Setting" method of the User object, you'll see that it takes two arguments - the second argument is optional and defaults to "0" or "off". So, if the user doesn't have this setting, then it will be considered to be off. If, however, you changed line 146 to say this:

    if ($Context->Session->User->Setting("ShowBookmarks", 1)) {

    Then the default for that setting (in this place in the site) would be "on".

    Of course you'd have to find all instances of $Context->Session->User->Setting("ShowBookmarks") in the site and set the default for all of them.
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