how to add a new tab?

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
hello, how can i add a new tab that would link to my site? i tried searching but can't find any answer.... ex... DISCUSSIONS | CATEGORIES | SEARCH | ACCOUNT | LINK TO MYSITE HERE thanks in advance!


  • Try the Page Manager Extension.

    It's the most useful add-on on the planet!

    Posted: Thursday, 12 July 2007 at 11:39AM

  • lol, i browsed thru the add-ons page countless of times, weird that i didnt even see that, thanks wanderer!
  • I suppose it's inevitable that you'd ask this question ;)
  • This extension is not working fine: after create a new tab, the original tabs point now to "localhost", instead to point to the real url. Even after resync the problem persist. So, I deactivated it.
  • Sounds more like a problem with your setup than the extension...
  • edited February 2008
    Thats is a Great plugin

    But its stops new plugins showing up you will have to add them manually

    If its localhost links change them?
  • Yes minisweeper. But there isn't a way to setup the extension... I think all I can do is edit the file php and search inside it.
  • I mean your vanilla set up...
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