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where can I edit the profile code

edited July 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
hi there! where can I edit the code that lists the profile stuff? all I found was a var ProfileStuff (e.g. for how long a user has not logged in) but I didnt figured out where the code is that uses this var.


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    What exactly do you mean?
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    when you click on a username you are taken to his profile. facts like "Last Active" and "Visit Count" are shown. I want to find the part of the code where this is written into the profile page. cause I dont wanna have it on the profiles
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    edited July 2007
    Go to your themes folder, copy account_profile.php into the 'vanilla' folder you see there, then go in that vanilla folder and edit the file. You will want to remove the items you don't want to see including the <li> and </li>.
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    alright!! thank you.
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