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Installing a Subversion server on a Mac?

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited August 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So I've got Subversion installed on OS X 10.4 and I can access it fine via the command line ... we started using it at work this week and it rocks so now I want it at home too!

What's the best way to get a server running so I can create suppositories repositories?

I've tried MAS (meant to be a one click install of a server) but it doesn't seem to work - there's a huge zip of external dependies (apr, expat, neon etc) that I'm not sure if I need to install? I also have MAMP running so not sure if it clashes with that...



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    edited August 2007
    On windows, you need apache for a secure access to your SVN repertory over a network, but on linux or mac, you might just need the svnserver and sshd.

    svn packages
    svn the book
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    Late answer, probably too late:
    You do not need a server to create and use repositories localy, just regular commands.
    Or do you want to access your home repositories from the net?
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    3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited August 2007
    Heheh, I got it in the end, what a dufus! (Once I had used Terminal to create my repository, sVNx handled everything else. Cushty) Thanks tho.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
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