Comment Display Order - NEWEST POST FIRST

hi all, im using vanilla to create a custom bulletin board system. My problem is that i require the comments in each topic to appear newest first (above earlier comments). New to Vanilla but had a thorough look around the doumentation, forums and extensions for something to do this but can't see it. Im aware of the 'jump to the last read comment when clicking on discussion topic' in forum preferences but this doesn't really meet my needs. any ideas would be much appreciated!


  • edited August 2007
    The ordering is handled in library/Vanilla/Vanilla.Class.CommentManager.php. There is a delegate right there that would make this a fairly easy extension, but for now you can get that functionality by changing 'asc' to 'desc' near the bottom of the GetCommentList() function.

    ::Ponders the daylight savings time bugs::
  • perfect... cheers for that, got it sorted. nice one
  • to wallphone: thanks that works. Now is new comment on top. But there is a problem. When you click on URL on homepaghe it brings to you oldest comment. I think you need to somehow change this "page" and "item" variable - it needs to be "1". But I dont know how. I also would like to have input field box on the top of each page, do someone know how to do that? Thanks a lot.
  • edited May 2009
    I'm having the opposite problem. I'm building two forums for community/volunteer workers, many of whom have no idea what a forum is. They're confused by the idea of last-post-on-top, but Vanilla does that right out of the box for me! I've tried using the Chronological extension, but no matter what I do, I can't get posts in first-to-last order, ie., oldest at the top when you enter a category. {edit} Didn't have brain switched on. Discussions order last down to first, but comments in a discussion order first down to last. Makes sense now. Had to fight with so many forum packages this last fortnight that I'd lost track of which way was up!
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