is it possible to highlight new comments somehow?

edited February 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
is it currently possible to highlight new comments in a topic somehow? just like the new topics on the discussions site?


  • do you mean in the comments view (comments.php)?
  • exactly
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That's a good idea. If you add this to the enhancement list, I'll add a new style to unread comments for the next rev.
  • isnt that the same as the yellow fade javascript was doing, only that was highlightling one post.. the start of where you HAVEN'T read from, i think that'd be better..
  • Well by adding a hook onto new comments, the style author can make a decision to style thme seperately or not... Perfect solution really. If you'd rather use the yellow fade thing then go ahead, and just don't differentiate the two types of comment in your CSS.
  • one more there a way to know whether there are new comments or topics in a certain category view? because if not...then the category view is more or less useless i think
  • as far as I know, the category is just there to display categories. However what you propose is a nice idea, ichigo...

    It would however require 2 more styles to the CSS, something like:
    .UnblockedCategoryNEWCOMMENTS { background: 262626 url('') top left repeat-y; } .BlockedCategoryNEWCOMMENTS { background: url('') top left repeat-y; }
    but yeah, something like this would be great. Toss it up to the wiki under Enhancements.
  • will this feature be implemented in the new vanilla version?
  • edited February 2006
    The problem is that most of the "discussions with unread posts" are actually really old discussions that you haven't read because they were written before you registered. This makes the query a *lot* more complex, and the output basically meaningless.

    The category view was simply meant to be a means to filter the discussion view; not an informative front page for the forum.
  • Yeah bergamot. This is a discussion we had ages ago when i requested a 'view unread' feature. I figured you could just query for stuff which was new since the user joined and which they havent read which cuts out this problem. It'd still be a complex and time-taking query though.

    Though if nora was requesting that the feature to simply re-colour posts he hadnt read once he was inside a discussion, then i believe thats in If not i'm almost certain its in 0.9.3
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