Displaying comment count next to avatar in discussion

edited February 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have a vanilla install (w/ custom theme) and would like to add a comment count next to the users' avatars.

I tried dropping in the CommentAuthorInfo extension, but it says it only works on the default theme (and it didn't work for me).

I tried fooling around w/ some code but didn't get too far (I can do rudimentary customization of WordPress, but Vanilla seems to be a bit more complex).

Does anyone have any advice or ideas on how I can make something like this happen?

Thanks in advance.


  • The CommentAuthorInfo add-on should work with any theme. I have it working with the default theme and a custom theme. That shows the number of comments per discussion. Where do you want to show the user's comment count?
  • Oh, I can see the number of comments per discussion in the "all discussions" list.

    I'd like to add each user's comment count by their avatar.

    So on this site, it would be somewhere near your monkey icon (like near the comment date): "1047 comments", for each comment you leave.
  • Well, the CommentAuthorInfo does what you want only it puts more info than what you want. You would have to modify it to only show the Comments count and place it next to the account picture. If you need help doing this, let me know. Also give us a link to your site.
  • edited September 2007
    Oh yeah, sorry it's: http://www.getmiro.com/forum/

    If you don't mind lending a hand, that would be great!

    Like I say, my PHP skills are rather minimalistic :(
  • KrakKrak New
    edited September 2007
    Really like the look of your forum deaner. But I did notice some of your fonts are missing pieces or something. Looks fantastic in Safari (windows), and appears that way in IE5 and FF2.

    (sorry for the small hijack)
  • edited September 2007
    jimw, CommentAuthorInfo was off, but I just now turned it back on.

    Krak, thanks for the catch -- I'll try to hunt those down.

    edit: here are my fonts, I don't know which would be causing the problem?

    font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Vera Sans", Lucida Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
  • By the way, is there a way to get e.mail notification on these discussions? I've just got this bookmarked, so I don't always check it regularly.
  • hey deaner, how did you get the post count to work finally? we're running into the same problem.
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