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Can't install or upgrade due to old, botched install

edited September 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

I am wanting to install the current version, but I had installed one previous version from quite some time ago (no clue about what version it was). As it is, the standard install route tells me that I need to upgrade since tables arleady exist. However, upgrading doesn't work either as it says I am missing some tables! So I am in a bit of a Catch22 here. Is there an easy way to identify the tables (they are empty) to drop and I can start fresh?




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    If you nedd to keep any thing from the previous forum, you just need to delete any table that start with the prefix LUM_.
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    Ok, never mind I managed to locate all the 'LUM_' tables and drop them. Have it installed and am looking forward to banging away at it.
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    Thanks! didn't see your comment...
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