RSS2 Feed protected by password - feedburner

Hi guys :) (sorry for my english, i usually speak french) I have a vanilla forum and i want to make an RSS feed in the Feedburner service but the feed isn't valid 'cause feedburner ask me an user and a password in the url. I tryed but Feedburner say that's an invalid Url format... So, is it possible when my forum is protected by an obligatory subscription to have an unprotected RSS feed? In fact, i'd like to "twitterfeed" my feed and i thought that the "feedburning" step would be judicious, so... Thanks :)


  • Hi, I'm french too but this is an english forum, sorry I'll speak in english. What addon do you use for RSS with Vanilla? Does the feeder works already well with authentication ? How did you test it ? Strange, I guess that if you protect your forum, you'd like to protect the feeds too. Maybe you protect posting only and not reading...
  • RSS2 Feeds extension :) In my bookmarks (firefox) the feed works, but not in Netvibes, after i entered the pass and the username. On my forums, you have to subscribe for reading and replying. it possible to have a feed without user and pass?
  • I would think that they should be able to read the feed without any username/password... unless this is a private forum (i.e. messages not visible unless your logged in).
  • Gilles's forum seems to be private.
    Gilles, I'm the current maintainer of Feed Publisher.
    Is it possible for you to install and enable it just to see if it behaves the same ?
    Let me tell you I'm surprised about different things:
    - you want to offer public feeds of a private forum (but this is your right)
    - authenticated feeds in Firefox (seemed to me that nobody succeeded in reading authenticated feeds)

    For the first, it could be done with a hack that I prefer to work on in FP instead of RSS2 :), but this could be done (we'll have to deceide what to do with the whispers).
    For the second, which extension do you use? Can I try it with your forum please ?
  • edited September 2007
    Can you contact me on msn, in french :)... ???
  • J'y serai ce soir ;) C'est bien moi. Merci encore à toute à l'heure
  • Alors ça tombe mal.
    1) je ne pense pas être beaucoup devant l'ordinateur ce soir (sortie)
    2) peut-on essayer de se donner un RV plus précis (disons sur 1/2 heure) ?
    3) est-ce possible en journée aussi ?
    4) je préfère communiquer par mail plutôt qu'utiliser les whispers ici
  • The trick for making the feeds public in a closed forum is to replace
    $Context->Configuration[ 'AUTHENTICATE_USER_FOR_FEED_PUBLISHER' ] = 1;
    $Context->Configuration[ 'AUTHENTICATE_USER_FOR_FEED_PUBLISHER' ] = 0;
    in the default.php.

    I plan to implement this as an option in the next release of FP.
  • Im wondering if someone can help clarify the above comment for me. I have the most recent version of Feed Publisher. I am not very knowledgeable with php. I am trying to have a private forum with a publicly accessible rss feed. As above I get the feed to show up as a live bookmark in firefox, but nothing shows up in google reader, bloglines, etc etc. Im assuming it is the authenticate user issue listed above. However, the php in the current default.php file is more complex (I think) than simply changing $Context->Configuration[ 'AUTHENTICATE_USER_FOR_FEED_PUBLISHER' ] = 1; to $Context->Configuration[ 'AUTHENTICATE_USER_FOR_FEED_PUBLISHER' ] = 0;. I appreciate any assistance. Brady
  • The line to change is #91. Your default.php file should look like this.
    After the change, try to point your browser to the feed and tell me what happens.
  • btw, the ....@.... syntax is not supported by IE Brwosers since Version 6 I believe....
  • I have the problem with displaying RSS in Igoogle, as the forum is password protected. Is there a way to add a valid username and password so that the RSS would be visible or any other solution to this problem. I tried to copy contents from above link, but it doesn't work. Please help. TIA
  • keith_, could you give some details please? I'm not sure to understand. cioop44, I don't know igoogle, you'll have to ask them/serach this question: "how to provide a user/pass for the reader to use". The code that is the base to FeedPublisher had a mechanism to show the feeds to the few allowed only, but I never tested it.
  • I also have this problem with the FeedThis extension, by the way
  • edited March 2009
    can I handcode a password somewhere in the php files so rss didn't require authentication? is there any way to access the RSS on mobile devices or via Windows Vista panel?
  • edited April 2009
    Hi, I'm having a problem with RSS feeds. I've just set up a private forum for a Leadership Programme I'm facilitating and when I try and get RSS for all discussions, I only have one discussion appear in my NetNewsWire feed. When I first create the RSS, it asks me for my username and password, then accepts the feed. But I only get one comment. Help? Joe PS it's very important that the forum remain private and secure. Intel Mac OS X 10.5; Safari 4 (5528.16) / Firefox3.0.8; Vanilla 1.1.5a; FeedThis 1.03
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