Member ratings?

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
A common problem with all forums are trolls. Outside of banning anyone who trolls, I'm interested in seeing other people on the forums rating members before the moderators decree a ban. A troll with a low rating isn't going to continue to post, and if they did, new comers to the forum would see they are of low credibility. Is there any way to rate members?


  • this would be a cool addon
    and i do not think anythign like this is available yet
    but it would be cool to have
    like a reputation system
  • Another ridiculous concept.

    I think most sensible people would put more value on the quality of the comments not the quantity!

    Under your system, a certain "contributor" not mentioning names but who seems to be very active recently would rate a "high" credibility where in reality he seems to enjoy resurrecting old threads just to see his name in lights!

  • as I understand the request, it's more focused on users rating other users by their contributions' quality, like Hamed said, as a reputation system, although it's, in fact, a trust system so we can have members that post a lot of good comments with a high rating and other posting a only a few bad comments and having a low rating
  • If that's the case how will it address "...A troll with a low rating isn't going to continue to post..."
  • if any member's rating fell down a given threshold the moderator/admin of the forum could ban that member, just because the whole members' community don't want that user posting in the forum or maybe not banning but assigning a role without posting capabilities
  • *Wanderer - no - unfortuanately you misunderstood what this person said ----you don't need posts to have good reputation * miquel - yes.. you understood what i said (trust system sounds really cool )
  • What adult in their right mind wants to be rated. A bit too gestapo for me. It is the responsibility of the administrator and/or moderator to deal with trolls directly, and not involve the other members/users, penalizing them or moderating them, when they are not the offenders. It would be like making everyone pay for the offenses of a troll in a way. Ratings aren't going to stop a troll, but it may stop your legitimate users from posting. I personally would not allow myself to be subjected to a rating system by anyone on any kind of forum, public or otherwise. If you have identified a troll, then nip him in the bud and be done with it. I've only had to ban one person, whose objective was very clear, and that was disruption. To me, a rating system is a long way around an otherwise minor, isolated problem, rather than a direct path to the root of the problem (computer lingo). Go after the individual, not the whole group. I could go into a whole dissertation about freedoms, but I won't. Learn to read people and situations. You don't need a "system" for any of this, you just need to have a little intestinal fortitude and moxy. Please don't anyone misinterpret this post as being personal directed toward them or about them, it's not really; it's nothing more than principles stated to be applied if you so choose. Remember that someone had to give that troll membership....the responsibility and the buck should stop there.
  • i believe the system work in this way: the admin can change if he wants members to be able to change each others reputation or he could make it so that member can actually rate each other it is up to the person no one gets penalized, just cuz they got rated up or down +1 or -1
  • Reducing a users' credibility down to a number for the whole community to see is ridiculous. If this extension were to exist, it should come in the form of Admins being the only ones able to see this number (or at least an option to hide the rating from users other than Admins).

    By showing everyone the rating you start the popularity train; if someone has a low rating, others will also give them a low rating. Others who see users with high ratings will rate them up just because they have a high rating.
  • Texafina & sirlancelot, finally some mature comments to balance this discussion!
    Spot-on, both of you! Smilie
  • why is considered immature for a member to have different needs from an open-source forum software? (s)he is just asking for somewhat considered useful for his/her purposes...which may not match the community interest, but it's not a reason to make such a comments
  • Maybe "such comments" should be taken as constructive and food for thought?

    Maybe the "different needs" are ill-conceived and need to be re-thought?

    Speaking for myself, I would not belong to a community that thought it necessary to openly "rate" me and my comments, I certainly would not impose such a system on my members.

    In any case, these are just opinions, take 'em or leave 'em.
  • edited March 2008
    amen, well put Wanderer. I didn't want to say anything, I think I've harassed Hamed enough.
  • 1. ok i would not want to use this addon myself (sorry if i made it sound like i love this addon for those of you against the making of this addon) 2. i just think that it would be cool to have such addons available for who ever wants to have them 3. i like the fact miquel is open-minded towards this entire thing 4. i think you should respect others opinions as well as saying your own. 5. don't make fun of someone for having a different idea than you please don't kill me if you disagree with what i have to say
  • Don't worry mate, I won't kill you, however I'd love to break a bone or two!

    Just kidding, you keep right on throwing those curve balls as long as you don't mind them being hit right out of the ball park! image
  • Hamed, I have to say you are a delight! You have so much enthusiasm, and you are definitely an "idea man." You have infused new life into this forum. I get tickled every time I read yet another inventive idea from you. You are right about the open-mindedness, but as with any new invention or idea, people will scoff at some of them. You are also right re. the "respect" issue. No need for any of us to take it to a personal level. Certainly don't let it ever hinder your creativity or your attempt to express it. At least you are willing to stick your neck out there which takes guts, especially when you know it might get chopped off!
  • Hey Texafina, are you running for President?
  • Hahahahaha! No, in my own little way and in my own little world, I already am el presidente. Seriously, I really do get a kick out of Hamed; his posts tickle me. We pass this way but once, so I thought I would tell him so. Seeing as how I'm not a Stepford Wife, I don't always agree with what is said. On the other hand, I would hate to see anything stifle his creativity or anyone else's. He takes brunts very well indeed. I also realize that some of the people on this forum are very young, and just don't think of all the ramifications if a potential idea were to be instituted.
  • Texafina: I also realize that some of the people on this forum are very young, and just don't think of all the ramifications if a potential idea were to be instituted.

    Yup, well said and I like to to point out the ramifications whilst having a little fun as well. Yes he does take the hits well (he just keeps a-comin' back for more), this serves to toughen him up for the real-world hits that are sure to come his way in the future.
  • [quote]Hamed, I have to say you are a delight! You have so much enthusiasm, and you are definitely an "idea man." You have infused new life into this forum. I get tickled every time I read yet another inventive idea from you. You are right about the open-mindedness, but as with any new invention or idea, people will scoff at some of them. You are also right re. the "respect" issue. No need for any of us to take it to a personal level. Certainly don't let it ever hinder your creativity or your attempt to express it. At least you are willing to stick your neck out there which takes guts, especially when you know it might get chopped off![/quote] oh thanks a bunch thank you at least i can hear the positive side now yeah it would be cool if all the ideas i had were made.... but it is cool if thy don't...cuz maybe i will make them ... when and if i learn some more php
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