Member ratings?
A common problem with all forums are trolls. Outside of banning anyone who trolls, I'm interested in seeing other people on the forums rating members before the moderators decree a ban. A troll with a low rating isn't going to continue to post, and if they did, new comers to the forum would see they are of low credibility.
Is there any way to rate members?
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and i do not think anythign like this is available yet
but it would be cool to have
like a reputation system
I think most sensible people would put more value on the quality of the comments not the quantity!
Under your system, a certain "contributor" not mentioning names but who seems to be very active recently would rate a "high" credibility where in reality he seems to enjoy resurrecting old threads just to see his name in lights!
By showing everyone the rating you start the popularity train; if someone has a low rating, others will also give them a low rating. Others who see users with high ratings will rate them up just because they have a high rating.
Spot-on, both of you!
Maybe the "different needs" are ill-conceived and need to be re-thought?
Speaking for myself, I would not belong to a community that thought it necessary to openly "rate" me and my comments, I certainly would not impose such a system on my members.
In any case, these are just opinions, take 'em or leave 'em.
Just kidding, you keep right on throwing those curve balls as long as you don't mind them being hit right out of the ball park!
Yup, well said and I like to to point out the ramifications whilst having a little fun as well. Yes he does take the hits well (he just keeps a-comin' back for more), this serves to toughen him up for the real-world hits that are sure to come his way in the future.