GetDiscussionList function takes just one Category ID, to pull discussions from just one category.
Just a suggestion that it should take in an array of categories, So i can pull discussions from multiple categories at once. This is usefull for a subcategory extension. right now you have to block categories you do not want leaving only the ones that you do want. Not an ideal solution for pulling multiple categories.
same is required for GetDiscussionCount
function GetDiscussionList($RowsPerPage, $CurrentPage, $CategoryID) {
$CategoryID = ForceInt($CategoryID, 0);
Just a suggestion that it should take in an array of categories, So i can pull discussions from multiple categories at once. This is usefull for a subcategory extension. right now you have to block categories you do not want leaving only the ones that you do want. Not an ideal solution for pulling multiple categories.
same is required for GetDiscussionCount
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