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Users are registering, but Admin is receiving no approval requests

edited September 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I just installed Vanilla this m orning, and everything went well until I tried to register an account to test the system. As far as the registering person is concerned, it looks like everything goes through fine, but the Admin panel shows no Membership Applicants showing up. Is this something anyone has experienced and/or knows what I can do to rectify it? -- steve


  • Can the new account sign in? If so, you need to check the settings and make sure that the default new member role is 'Applicant' or some role without 'can sign in' permissions.
  • The new account can sign in, yes, however they do not show up in the Admin's list of accounts to approve for membership.
  • They won't appear in that list as long as they can sign in immediately. To change that, click on your settings tab, then Registration Settings on the left. Change the New Member Role option to Applicant.
  • Interesting - thanks for the info.
  • I have the same problem,I find the New Member Role option is applicant already,but I still can not see the Applicants showing up Who can help me?
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