Vanilla 1.1.4 Released



  • I didn't know where to post this but I am going to do it here for help. We downloaded the 1.1.4 yesterday. we went live with just that basic with no extensions. I was adding extensions last night. Simple things like stats and such. I added quite afew other things, but unchecked them when I started getting errors. The major problem right now is vanilla defaulting to html and i can't get it to default to bbcode. Can anyone help me?
  • You should open a new thread or ask for help in bbcode or html formatter discussions or the DefaultFormatter discussion if you are using this extension
  • edited November 2007
    Hi Guys, How do I update from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4? What files do I have to change or replace? I'm a little confused :-( thanks!
  • You can find the list there:
  • Thanks Dinoboff, But I'm confused by the two steps. 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 + 1.1.3 to 1.1.4. Do I need to download 1.1.3 as well?
  • just download 1.1.4 and upload all thes files or just the listed ones. There is no settings or BD changes. You just need to update the listed files.
  • Thanks. So I can overwrite all of the existing 1.1.2 files? Or safe to upload all of the listed ones (by which I assume you mean those listed in the 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 upgrade + the 1.1.3 to 1.1.4 upgrade.
  • Serafino, I have the same confusion as you which is what's holding me back from upgrading.
    I have a lot of modifications made to existing files and I don't have a day and a half to spare if something goes wrong.

    Just thought I'd mention that in case you were feeling that your questions are stupid!
  • edited November 2007
    Do a copy of your installation first. After it depends of what you are using. If you are using ftp, it is safer to only upload the listed ones.
  • Thank you Wanderer. I'm running a couple of Vanilla installs and setting up a few fresh ones. I think I'll leave 1.1.2 versions alone for now until we get some clearer documentation ;-)
  • What need to be added?
  • Just do what DinoBoff said - make a local copy of all the files online, and then upload 1.1.4 over the top of the current install. Alternatively, just upload those files listed as changed in both 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 and you're set.

    If something goes horribly wrong, just delete the entire vanilla directory and upload the local copy you just made. In all seriousness, you shouldn't have any problems (you may Wanderer, depending on your hacks). I've not had any problems with my test forum and I've got a lot of extensions installed on that.
  • I did this last time and some things didn't work because, for example, there were new/modified definitions in the css file and this wasn't listed as a "changed" file.

    Of course I'd make a backup first, did that last time too then, when I put things back, permissions got all stuffed up, some extension corrupted the the config file and to cut a long story short, I spent a day and a half fixing things back to the way they were.

    Pardon me if I understand serafino's concerns.
  • I think the diff list was created by Ant or some such tool so it should be spot on. I may be wrong though... Dinoboff?
  • Missing files in the the changed file list should not happen again; we get the list from the svn and there is at least two people checking that the list on the wiki is correct. But really, you should upload all the core on each update - especially if you can use ssh for the transfer (sftp is as easy to use as ftp and won't corrupt your files). If you have some changes in the core files, you should use a svn repository to track your changes and merge changes in the core with your version of Vanilla. The only problem is with extension. You can't know if they are compatible. We do our best to not break anything between each 1.1.x release, but there some stuff we can't foreseen (e.g. the Notify bug that hasn't any bad effect before 1.1.3). You should check they are compatible with your extensions on your testing forum before upload on your server. We will also try to release beta and release candidate between each stable release, so that user and developers can test them in advance.
  • @Minisweeper: since the last release only.
  • Guys, I'm not blaming anyone, I understand this is part & parcel of the upgrade process.

    Nobody's fault but mine if I modified core files, I have kept a record of such modifications but they are many and wide-spread and will take some time to re-do, re-test and re-adjust I'm sure.

    Being very time-poor these days, it's not an easy thing to do.

    As for sftp... something else to learn and deal with on another day!
  • edited November 2007
    I use the same client for ftp and sftp; you host just need to give you ssh access. If your host offer it, you just need to check if your ftp client allow the sftp protocol. You should look at a revision control program like svn, it will allow you to merge changes in your vanilla with your version and flag the part that conflict.
  • Maybe I'm not following the recommended process here, but I had a test forum to which I had checked out a copy of Vanilla from: Upon updating, it deleted all the php files in the root of the forum and installed a build, src, and dist directory, along with files that appear to be Ant build directives. Am I crazy, or is php still an interpreted language that doesn't need to be built? I was using trunk as the directory to svn update against so that I could easily upgrade to the newest version and test. Is there another recommended directory in the repo which I should use for this?
  • edited November 2007
    It doesn't need to be built, you can use for testing. We use ant mainly to build the package (minify js files and create the zip archive).
This discussion has been closed.