Gravatar Add-On?

Hey people, does anyone have a gravatar add on for Vanilla Forums? It looks like it shouldn't be too difficult, but damned if my PHP is good enough to actually do it :-)


  • Is this what you are after: Account Pictures?

    Posted: Tuesday, 30 October 2007 at 10:51PM

  • gravatar is universal avatar. it posts an avatar based on your email address.
  • FYI, Gravatar has been acquired by (Automattic):
    (so it's much speedier)
  • Universal avatar based on my email address?
    What if I don't have a universal address?
    (I have 12 at last count!)
  • 12 emails
    its official your qwazy
    get all 12 of em a gavatar
  • 12 was a quick guess I actually have more!

    I am webmaster for a number of sites, they all have their domain-specific email address.
    Then there's addresses I use for personal friends and I work for a number of companies and they all insist on giving me an email address for corresponding with clients on their behalf, then there's a Hotmail address I'm forced to have for MSN and then there's my Gmail account which is obligatory these days, then there's my Dot-Mac account... yes I'm crazy but not by birth, by design! (Oh and there's also one for my dog which I use just for fun!)

    However, I use Apple Mail and they all come in seamlessly into one in-box or I am able to separate them into individual in-boxes with one click.

    (Any wonder SpamSieve traps over 300 SPAM messages daily for me!)
  • no one gives a fuck.

    pick one and use it for a gravatar, then use that email for sites that use gravatars... for someone whos supposedly so advanced to everyone else, you don't seem to grasp simple concepts easily.
  • might try this extension tonight if I get chance.
  • Obviously I'm not as advanced as you sir adrian.
    (Now there's a new concept for me!)
  • adrain which extension you want to try out?
  • creating a gravatar add on for vanilla...

    however, my mind is making it seem more difficult than it should be. hmmmmmm
  • TomTesterTomTester New
    edited October 2007
    Wanderer, you sound like a reviewer on CNET who has comments about a gadget without even owning or trying it...

    Gravatar allows for MULTIPLE email addresses and MULTIPLE icons. You can associate a different icon to each
    email address, and an icon depending on your mood (so a PC for the summer months and a Mac where the sun
    don't shine [sic])

    That said, at the moment that site is PAINFULLY slow. So it seems that Matt 'scalable R us' Mullenweg has his
    work cut out for him (aside: he should have taken that $200MM, 50% in cash offer, trust me).

    Yea Adrian! Whooooot...
  • I wasn't making comments mate, just asking a simple question about a simple comment " posts an avatar based on your email address..."

    Since then I did some research of my own and realise I don't need the service.

    I host my own avatars on my own server as many as I want with no restrictions!

    I really don't see what the big deal is, I've obviously missed something simple?
  • Yah--its a way to get avatars next to blog comments where there usually isn't any registration or account management. An similar, service is Identicon
  • edited October 2007
    @Wanderer, it is convenient service for both the user and the developer. It doesn't just allow users to store an avatars on Internet like lots of other services; it allows developer to easily add avatar to their website: - You already ask your users to give an email address; - It easier than asking for an Url; - Hosting the avatar on your website is easy for the user but for the developer it is potentially a security issue and for the user, he has an avatar to update on each of the website you regularly visit. There is a security issue with using Gravatar though; you let an other website controlling what will appear your website. For website that don't support Gravatar their is no advantage for the user; maybe it is what you mean.
  • OK so I finally succumbed and signed up for an account to see what all the fuss is about.

    Cute, works well, but the actual size of the gravatar is too big for say Vanilla, it's 80x80 px.

    I uploaded a 32x32 gif and it was sized up to 80x80, not what I wanted.

    Also my animated gif was de-animated!

    It has possibilities, will investigate further.
  • edited November 2007
    Check the gravatar doc: You can request a specific size. By default, the Gravatar Add-on request a 32px avatar.
  • raykrayk New
    edited May 2008

    Anyone willing to go ahead trying to implement gravatars into vanilla? Wordpress 2.5 has them built in (but also gives you the ability to change the service from gravatar to whatever).

    This link might help - How to Setup Gravatars for your Blog - Plugin Free! , goes through setting up your wp template to fetch the commenter data and display his gravatar. Maybe something similar can be used but in extension form for vanilla.

  • It's already been done here.
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