Account Pictures with Wordpress - question

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
can anyone suggest what code i need to include in a wordpress page to display a user's account icon?


  • polite bump...
  • Do you mean to display a Vanilla user's account icon in a WP page?
  • exactly... so that when a user writes a blog post, they have the same icon as when they write a forum post. we currently have two different systems going on for avatars (icons), which is confusing for people.
  • hmm.. this would be nice to know..
  • desperate bump...
  • have now asked the same question on the account pictures thread, in the hope that someone there will take pity and help me out..
  • here is a thread on the wordpress forums which is asking the same question, if this helps. this is exactly what i am trying to do.
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