
edited October 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have my own sessions and I would like to pass session values into Vanilla. ie, when a user log into site, they can click on vanilla message board and not have to log in. The user information login are the same in vanilla user table and the main site login table. If anyone can tell me which file I can modify to it would read or be pointed to session file that would be great.. thank you...


  • There is different example of integration of Vanilla with other application. You should check them out:
  • I'm sorry, that helped little. my issue is that I already have a session. How can I use my session and/or just pass session variables to vanilla's session? when I use session_start, anywhere I get "A session had already been started - ignoring session_start()". any help is appreciated!
  • edited October 2007
    Oh, I get it:
    if (!session_id()) { session_start(); }
  • I see. here is what I'm doing, maybe you can tell me if its efficient or not. session.php is a file that gets login info from login page and such... other pages within site gets info from session.php file... else it will take user to logout page. basically i just want instead of a login page, it get user info from session.php. Or the session communicates with session.php page I think it would be the easiest. does this make any sense? Thanks again!
  • Hey taha, I am trying to do the exact same thing. Have you had any success yet? It looks like this post is three years old now haha.
  • judgejjudgej
    edited January 2011
    I don' know if it is any help, but I have recently created a site with a noticeboard external to Vanilla, showing posts. I use RSS to pull comments into the noticeboard.

    I have implemented single-signon, so when users log into the main CMS site, they are also logged into Vanilla. The RSS feed request passed the Vanilla session cookies in from the user's browser, and that ensure permissions are correctly handled, since Vanilla knows which user is requesting the RSS feed, even though that user is on a different site (though the same top-level domain).

    Essentially I use RSS to separate the sessions, but can still pass a session ID through the RSS feed request.
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