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authentication issue

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I got a script in my root-folder that should check whether a user is logged in or not as I want to display some content for members only. I found this snippnet in the forum: include("./vanilla/appg/settings.php"); include("./vanilla/appg/init_people.php"); if ($Context->Session->UserID) { echo "You are logged in as <b>{$Context->Session->User->Name}</b>."; } else { echo "You are not logged in."; } But unfortunately it's not working. I am logged into vanilla but echo $Context->Session->UserID is 0 and not 1. Any ideas?


  • I can't get to the innards of my forum from my current location.
    Will check out my working "snippet" when I get home.
  • Thank you
  • Wanderer, please do - it's v. similar to my question here:
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