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I am about to crash my laptop! HELP! IE refuses to show images! Simplest images from TinyMCE

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi all... i have developed a CMS with TinyMce text editor, and I have a separate interface for file upoloads... so we upload images and then indicate the path at the server in tinymce editor... tinymce is configured to give absolute paths to inserted images.... the problem is: IE simply does not show images... simple <tt><img src="correct url" alt="some text" title="doesnt matter" /></tt> ARE NOT DISPLAYED!!! IM IN SHOCK!!! what could it be? is it the explorer or is it me?? here is the page for ff and other browsers, its fine.. see the code... please help me


  • It looks like you have a p tag around the image with only a starting font tag around the image. Maybe closing the font tage will help.
  • The code of this page does not validate, far from.
    If you use xhtml, deliver valid code. There have been much battle about the choice of xhtml versus html4. This is a perfect example of argument against using xhtml.
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