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edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
First I am on a Mac. I have a Rapid Weaver site on MacDoc that I want to put a Vanilla forum on. I emailed MacDoc with the requirements and they replied that there should be no problems. Vanilla is popular as a forum with Rapid Weaver users, which is where I got the idea to try it. The instructions I followed there helped me get Vanilla downloaded. I used Cyberduck to upload the Vanilla files to MacDock. I left the file folder with the name Vanilla-1.1.4 so I would know the version # I am using later when updates come out. Cyberduck reveals my folders on MacDoc including Vanilla-1.1.4. The "conf" folder in Vanilla-1.1.4 only contains a read me file. The read me says: "About Vanilla Configuration =========================== All customizations to Vanilla configuration settings should be done in this conf (short for "Configuration") folder. After you run the Vanilla installer, this conf folder should contain four files: 1. database.php 2. extensions.php 3. language.php 4. settings.php" ....removed the discriptions of each I see a extensions.php document but only the read me file in the conf folder. I do not understand how to fix the Permissions at the start of the Vanilla install. I see in the movie that "chmod 777 ./conf" is copied and entered somewhere in a file. The author seems to get some black page with code to come up and inserts the command or something. The movie moves fast and the type is very small for old eyes. I have paused it but still can not figure out how "chmod 777 ./conf" is used to fix the permissions. I can not come up with an idea to proceed.


  • Firstly, I'd strongly suggest you dont use Vanilla-1.1.4 as the foldername. You can see the version number you're using easily enough in the panel, and vanillas update checker will tell you when there is an update out anyway. Using this foldername will only make it easier for hackers to guess which version you are using if an exploit is found, make it more effort to type into the browser/links/etc, and also make it much more effort to change to 1.1.5 when an update comes out. I would suggest you use /forum or /vanilla or something like that. As for the chmod, if you open up Terminal (Applications>Utilities) you should reach a prompt similar to the one in the video. If you: cd /path/to/where/you/installed/vanilla then: ls (which will give you a list of files/folders to make sure you're in the right DIR, otherwise you need to try the cd... again) then: chmod 777 ./conf Let us know how that goes.
  • edited November 2007
    I changed the folder name to something less recognizable for hackers. I got a little help getting Vanilla set up on MacDoc. I am now doing the admin set up of features. I am a little shaky on how to use extensions. I want a Theme/Style, Jazzman's by the same name matches up pretty well and there are several other types of extensions/addons that will help too. Is it smarter to add these one at a time? Jazzman has a large selection of extesions that may play well with his Theme/Style but then he has several Theme/Styles. I imagine that some extensions do not play well together, especially if they work with the same features. I see the extensions folder, currently empty, in the Vanilla folder (using Cyberduck). Do I just put the entire extension folder in or move each file over? Then I believe I have to select it from the Admin set up and turn it on?
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