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Role order dragging doesn't work!

edited 2007 04 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
For some reason when I try to drag the order of the roles (in both Firefox 2 and IE6) it just selects the text instead of dragging, although the four-way arrow cursor still appears. It is possibly caused by an extension, because I'm fairly sure it worked when I first installed Vanilla, can't be sure though.

Thanks in advance if anyone has solutions,



  • edited 2007 04
    Are you using notify? This bug break the setting pages that need prototype and scriptaculous.
  • Why yes, yes I am. Shame I have another problem now... when I load the forum it goes to the install page :S. The last thing I did before it breaking was modifying the StuffDisplayer script to change the footer position to the very end of the page instead of at the bottom of the right hand column. Even after switching it back it's still dead, do you think it could have changed something in the database? I'll have a look around, but I'm new to Vanilla. Anyway, thanks very much for the help, Mike
  • I had a similar problem in that drag & drop didn't work.

    check to see if dragdrop.js has been uploaded.
    (I missed it when upgrading from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4)

    Vanilla 1.1.3 Released # 13
  • edited 2007 04
    I can't test it now until the new problem is fixed.Seems as though its not seeing the database, therefore thinking its not installed. Yet I can still access the database fine on phpMyAdmin. However I did use LV_ instead of LUM_ for the tables (also changed this in all extensions and everything was working absolutely fine).
    OK I found a post of a guy (also on Dreamhost like me) having this problem, but it turned out to be an extension, just wondering how do I disable extensions when I can't even access the website.

    I didn't upgrade, it was a fresh install the day before yesterday :/

    Thanks again,
    Mr Confused

    Another edit:

    My settings.php file got reset, so ill manually enter the database settings then use the method at here to try and find out what's causing this & get stuff working again.
  • You problem happen when conf/settings.php get corrupted. It should not happen with 1.1.4 (or we need a new fix).

    Check the content of conf/settings.php.
  • Well it happened for me, and I freshly installed 1.1.4 2 days ago. I've fixed it now, by deleting the settings file and renaming the database file, reinstalling using different database prefix, then renaming database.php back to the original version. Then reconfiguring any settings that got changed in the process.

    This time I have settings.php backed up, so it shouldn't pose too much of a problem. Would be helpful to know which extensions if any are causing the problem but it's not too important at the moment.

    Case closed, thanks again everyone,

    Mr Happy :]
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