Chocolate Avatar Gallery

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Can someone make an avatar gallery, plz


  • how would u do that?
    that is a list of members
    and what i was asking for
    was an avatar gallery
    where people came and chose what icon they wanted next to their name

    so more like an icon gallery
    when u click the image
    it automatically puts that image as your icon
  • aah sorry. i thougt you meant a list of all avatars your users have ^^
  • oh
    it is ok
    no probz
    that would be interesting
    to have the icon image next to member name in the member list
  • I believe the MembersPage add-on does do this.
  • edited November 2007
    we just talked about the exact same thing about 3 posts above u

    it is ok though
    no worries
  • edited March 2008
    so anyone else like this idea?
  • I have created an extension loseley based on AccountPictures that allows you to upload any number of images to a folder, so that users see all these images and can choose to use one as their avatar. I plan to upload it but I really have not much time right now. I'm still trying to get a complete forum running and I still have to fix a few bugs because every extension seems to have its special little hidden problem.
  • oh wow that is awesome i cannot wait until you upload it ^_^
  • edited March 2008
    It would be best to allow the users to select one of the images, or upload their own (account pictures integration, so it's all on one page)
  • yeah selecting an image would be nice yes that would be cool
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