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RewriteEngine help

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
hi... could anyone help me with rewrite module plz... im not good in it..

i need this:
if (not a real file or real folder) { for "/advice/" go to "/advice.php?page=advice" for "/advice/[smth]/" go to "advice.php?page=advice&advice=[smth]" for "/news/" go to "/news.php?page=news" for "/news/[smth]/" go to "news.php?page=news&news=[smth]" for "/places/" go to "/places.php?page=places" for "/places/[smth]/" go to "places.php?page=places&placetype=[smth]" for "/places/[smth]/[smth2]/" go to "places.php?page=places&placetype=[smth]&place=[smth2]" for "/[smth]/" go to "/index.php?page=[smth]" for "/[smth]/[smth2]/" go to "/index.php?page=[smth]&subpage=[smth2]" }

currently, i have this code in .htaccess, but it does not work with advice section (i only tested the index.php-related cases since the site is under constuction):
RewriteEngine on #RewriteRule ^advice/?$ advice.php?page=advice&test=testing [L] RewriteRule ^advice/?$ advice.php?page=advice [L] RewriteRule ^news/?$ news.php [L] RewriteRule ^advice/([^/\.]+)/?$ advice.php?page=advice&advice=$1 [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ index.php?page=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/([^/\.]+)/?$ index.php?page=$1&subpage=$2 [L]

if there are howlers, please don't laugh, but help... thanks


  • hm... i noticed another thing: when i turn the engine off, and type in site/advice/ then the advice.php page opens fine.. which means that the server (local) treats site/smth like site/smth.php ... i did not notive this problem with index.php-related rewrite rules, since the name of the file is index, not like any of the virtual dirs (they are all site/contact etc..). .. i'll try to look up the issue on the web... help appreciated as usual.. thanks..
  • ok... i simply remaned the physical file and it works fine...
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