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Installing Hlep on a windows server!!!

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
When Installing the program it tells me to make the conf flie read and write. I pay for my hosting and have no idea how to change the prmissions. Thanks for your help


  • If you search for other users with similar problems on here there's tons and tons of instructions how to do this on various platforms. Generally it depends what OS you're using, what FTP client, and possibly what server OS. Your host should be able to help you out with this too.
  • If you are paying for hosting and want reliability skip the shonky fly-by-night hosts using Windows and find one that uses UNIX.
    No serious web development takes place on Windows, UNIX   IS   the internet!
  • We have switched over to the UNIX but when I run the install it still gives me the same thing I need to change the file permissions. Have no idea!
  • What FTP client are you using?
  • edited November 2007
    The one built in front page
  • I have downloaded Coffee Cup Direct FTP and can CHANGE the file permssions!!!!!!! I will let you how things work out
  • BINGO!!!!!! The new FTP Program Worked!
  • Yeah. Dude. Seriously. Frontpage?
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