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Vanilla Add-ons with non-default Theme and Language?

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi, I've had my eye on Vanilla for a long time now and I think I want to switch soon. But there's one thing that worries me... I will probably want to use some theme other than the default theme, and my forum will be using a non-English language. It appears that many of the add-ons only work with the default theme. Here are just a few of the the extensions I would like to use, all of which require "the Default Vanilla Theme 3 theme".... Is there any way around this? I currently use SMF, and one of the major limitations in my opinion is that many extensions do not work unless the default theme is being used. Could Vanilla be different? Thanks in advance for your help!


  • I'd suggest you get a vanilla forum up and running and just try a few things out. I dont see any major reason any of those extensions shouldnt work with a non standard theme. You just have to be aware they might not look quite so good but then that comes down to whether you have any design skill yourself.
  • Thanks for the reply!
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