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Would a threaded module be out of the question?

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I like a lot of what I see in Vanilla forums, but I've got clients who like threading. I myself partake of many serious discussions that would be a complete mess as a continuous "conversation," and not using any form of reply-to-reply type threading. I realize this is heresy in some forums, but not amongst everyone. Has anyone here already done--or considered--a module for either threading, or some kind of hybrid style, where the posts remain linear, but a "threaded summary" can appear at the top to show the cause-and-effect connections between posts? The Subcategory module seems nice, but that's more like subforums. Those are also important, but not as important as reply threading. The perfect forum system, in my view, would support both styles of organization, as some topics are more suitable to one, than the other. Can Vanilla's stated flexibility help me out here, with a bit of programming by a mod writer, or my own devs (without too much pain)?


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