Browser switch

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
we have developed a mobile theme (for iphone) for our forums.
could anyone code a browser-switch so that a different theme is used when u log in with an iphone?

e: here is a screen. as you can see it isn't finished yet ^^


  • I'll do it in exchange for an iphone?!
  • edited November 2007
    i'll build you a paper-iphone, hm? :D
  • I hear iPhone users are very pissed off when they are directed to a cut-down version of a web site.

    The iPhone is marketed as "..the web as it is, on your phone..." or words to that effect.

    They don't want to see a pissy WAP version, they want the full version as they'd see using Safari on their Macs.

    If I had an iPhone I'd agree.
  • okay. your opinion. this shouldn't be a general discussion. we decided to do it like that and just don't know how to do it :D
  • If you insist on pissing off your iPhone viewers...

    Doing a Google search for "iphone browser switch" worked for me.
  • Hm, we have a lot of positive feedback. there are even useres that signed up because we have such a theme ;)

    well of course you can google it, but how to change the theme of vanilla then. and where should we put the code?
  • Try Nuggets?
    Put the code in the <HEAD> section on the index page.

    Posted: Wednesday, 7 November 2007 at 6:52PM

  • i just can't figure out how to change the theme with nuggets O_o
    i think this is just not possible that way :P
  • I think you will need to host 2 forum that use same DB (some columns in user table might need to be different).
  • edited November 2007
    does that work? using one db for 2 forums?

    it's pretty much for such a simple thing, does anybody know an other solution?

    but thanks for your help so far, buddies
  • edited November 2007
    For my local tests, I use one db for all my Vanilla instances. I see no reason why you couldn't do it online.
    Sorry, that's all I can say. I searched a bit but didn't find how to switch themes.

    EDIT: installing another Vanilla instance is not so much work I think. Problem is maintenance.
    A trick you could think about (if you have shell access to your server) is to link your new extension folder to point to the old one, to save you some work. Some other files could be linked, like database.php, extensions.php.
    these are just quick ideas, not sure if you won't encounter problems.

    Good luck !
  • does somebody has a solution for that now?
    in this forum here I have the mobile theme if i go here with my iphone.
    is there a plugin or something like that?
  • lucluc ✭✭
    This discussion was about vanilla1. This forum is running vanilla 2. Vanilla 2 got automatic mobile theme. The official one, and another one by Lena, that can be found in the add-on section.
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