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changed vanilla server now attachments wont work

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello all, I need a little help here

I changed my vanilla installation to a new server now all previous attachments wont work, I am guessing the reason is because in the old server vanilla was installed in /var/www/html/forums now in the new one it is located in /var/www/forums , the LUM_Attachment table contains a Path field still pointing to /var/www/html/forums, how can I update this table to make all attachments point to the new location?

i.e. in the Path field:


should be


thanks in advance !


  • There is an extremely recent discussion talking about this exact same isse on this board. Try searching for it.
  • im sorry, but i still cant find the solution to this, i have tried searching around. my vanilla installation is working, but older attachments are not
  • ok I fixed it, heres the solution run this query on your LUM_Attachment table UPDATE LUM_Attachment set Path = ( REPLACE (Path,'/html',''));
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