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reply forum on 1st page

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
i think the reply form should be on the first page of topics longer than 1 page


  • I disagree, and I'd be surprised if anyone else agrees with you!

    My thinking... you need to read all the replies before typing a response, the last reply is on the last page, so... that's where the reply box should be!

    I would be annoyed if, in a 12-page discussion, you make me go all the way back to the top of page one to reply!
  • @Wanderer - he's not saying that the reply box should ONLY exist on the first page, but that for multi page topics, the reply box exist on all pages, not just the last page.

    that being said - addcommentbox1.1 will do this.
  • I'd like to see it in all pages
  • edited November 2007
    yes Gauzy is right
    i meant on all the pages

    i say a 2 pages thread here
    and the reply was at the end

    so i forgot about longer thread
    i just said 1st sorry wanderer
  • @Gauzy- it does not work it gives me an error
This discussion has been closed.