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can you allow us to have more than one vanilla on one database?

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
can you allow us to have more than one vanilla on one database?

I have more than one site on one database
but i cannot have vanilla on both
because it says vanilla registered on my database already

is it possible u could do this on the newer version


  • This capability already exists. You just need to use a different database prefix on the install. I believe that's an option as of 1.1.4.
  • i tried
    but once i uploaded extensions
    the extensions did not work
  • Open a discussion for each extension that have this problem.

    Instead of looking for the table prefix, they assume it will be LUM_.
  • that is true
    i tried to look for lum in the wall comment extention
    and i changed it to lum2
    and it gave a weird error
    the vanilla system worked on lum2
    but not the wall
    so i should go to the wall comment thread?
  • Yes, please do.
This discussion has been closed.