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Can't view comments

edited November 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm not sure what happened but today when I logged into my web site and forums section, all of a sudden I can't view any of the comments that people added. Everything else works as fas as the forums go. I can move around and click on the categories tab, and discussions tab and view them, but when I click on one of the discussions I get a blank page. I restarted httpd, and mysqld, this did not help. I also verified that my database and tables were still there, which they are. I'm not very good with mysql, in fact this is my first time using it. Any suggestions on what to look for would be great. Thanks


  • I dont think this can be it but have you checked all the role permissions? Try disabling extensions and see if it fixes it?
  • edited November 2007
    Well it looks like the extension that I am using JQmedia 0.6.3 is causing the problems. I know that this worked before becasue tested it, and everything was fine. I'm going to see if there is some kind of update ro something i need to get this working again. I definitely like using the JQmedia extension, so hopefully i can figure it out. Thanks again,
  • Doe' I figured it out, and I guess I lied about the nothing changing. Although I don't really recall how or why I might have made this change. Anyways I found a permission issue with JQmedia on the server, after correcting this everything seems to be working.
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