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make all post visable to search engines?

whats the best way to have all post on my site searchable?


  • They already are if it's a public forum.
  • oh , maybe google is just a little slow
  • I came here to ask the same question. What have I done to make the forum private? And how can I undo it? I've already made sure that "Allow non-members to browse the forum" is checked. And I fixed the permissions on each category so that all roles (including the banned role) is allowed to participate. (I still don't understand that part. If banned users can participate, what is the point of having such a role?) Non-signed-in users can navigate to and see the content. And google can see blank sign-in forms. But google apparently can't find the actual content. What have I done wrong? Thanks.
  • Again, could anyone please point me to the documentation on public/private forums? None of the search engines can find the forum content. I don't know what else to try. If I can't fix this, I'm going to have to take down the forum and start over with a different application.
  • fmimosofmimoso
    edited March 2009
    Install Sitemaps and use Google's Webmasters Tools.
    Your forum will be indexed that way, almost for sure.

    Your problem doesn't seem to be a software related one, but a Google indexing one.
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